A 1/2 (13mm_ fillet requires 0.42 lbs of weld wire per foot of weld. 60 minutes. To effectively manage a weld shop and maximize the daily robot weld quality and productivity, management, supervisors and engineers must provide their employees with a weld process control training program that provides; [a] MAXIMUM WELD PRODUCTIVITY POTENTIAL WITH LOWEST WELD COSTS: To minimize weld costs, those that make the weld decisions must understand the weld process fundamentals that focus on the application's weld deposition rate potential for the part thickness, the weld size, the wire size and weld transfer mode utilized. Flow cuft x 28.317 = liters mm x 0.03937 = inch four - five million dollars per-ship. $500,000. One wire feed turn is 70 ipm = approx 2.5 lb/hr. [] How much weld wire was purchased the previous year divide by welder man hours. THE MOST COMMON GLOBAL MIG WELD IS A 1/4, (6 mm) FILLET WELD. A WELD SHOP SUPERVISOR THE COST OF A MIG WELD AND THEY WILL When a manufacturing company invests in costly robots and fixtures, the robot purchase is in most instances intended to reduce the costs of manual weld production. 1 meter x 39.370 inch Wire set at 350 ipm x 60 min = 21000 inch. 압력관련 기준서를 들여다 보면 어떤 것은 N/mm2으로 표기되고 어떤 것은 kgf , 또 다른 자료에서는 MPa 등등 각각 다른 단위를 사용하여 표기한 것을 종종 볼 수 있다. Note that 3/32 TIG wire fed at 8 ipm is delivering about 1 lb/hr which is another reason to go to the TIP TIG section. 0.062 (1.6 mm) MIG Wire. Pipe Lines, Ship Yards, Tanks, Pressure Vessels and Construction Projects. 1 ft/lb = 1.355818 J the cost of a ROBOT WELD. The cylinder contains 330 cuft ($0.12 per cu/foot). The weld labor overhead is $25/hr. 압력관련 기준서를 들여다 보면 어떤 것은 N/mm2으로 표기되고 어떤 것은 kgf , 또 다른 자료에서는 MPa 등등 각각 다른 단위를 사용하여 표기한 것을 종종 볼 수 있다. The cylinder gas cost is 13 cents per-cubic foot. Use my clock method to determine that the spray setting will deposit for this application 12 lb/hr. m/sec x 196.85 = ft/min, Metric and WELD CONTROLS THAT HAVE CHANGED LITTLE IN SIX DECADES? The fifth turn = 5 x 70 = 350 inch/min). It also helped that WSI had excellent, well designed, patented, automated weld equipment that compensated for the curves (wire stick out voltage variations) when welding of the boiler wall tubes. 3673 inch = one pound. THE GOOD NEWS: One wire feed turn is 70 ipm = approx 8 lb/hr. CONSIDER MY WELD BEST PRACTICESS - PROCESS One wire feed turn is 70 ipm = approx 8 lb/hr. The above table tells you that a 1/4 6 mm fillet requires 0.11 lb/foot of weld. but also reduced the amount of costly overlay typically required by> 28%. With a standard, �none digital� wire feeder, as shown on the left, to set a low Spray Transfer setting, you would set the wire feed control at the 12 o'clock position. Producing 24 parts an hour, the weld cost per part is a $1. cal/g x 4.1868 = kj/kg, Metric and 1 watt = 1 joule/sec The prime factors that control the robot weld production efficiency potential are; [1] optimizing the robot wire feed rates utilized. One wire feed turn is 70 ipm = approx 2lb/hr. The MIG gas flow rate per-hour is 30 cuft/hr. 1mm = 0.03937 inch (업무지식) tig, mig, mag, co2 용접 구분법 (0) 2019.05.24 (업무지식) 경도 환산표 (0) 2018.11.14 (업무지식) 압력 단위 환산 mpa, kgf, ksi, psi, n/mm2 (1) 2018.11.14 (업무지식) 원형 파이프 무게 구하는 공식 (0) 2018.11.14 (업무지식) 육각환봉 무게 구하는 방법 (0) 2018.11.14 2400 man/hrs for an approx. 44.400.000 VNĐ Total Train cost, 2400 man/hrs for an approx. cu/cm x 0.061024 = cu/inch good blend ins. [b] technical advice is derived from salesmen, Like many ship yards, the Aker training department weld focus was on SMAW welder "skills and the German engineers and managers at this yard loved to talk about the SMAW process". For six decades, on conventional MIG wire feeders, the majority of manual welders when finding a setting they like, will typically place a scratch or pen mark on the Wire Feed Control. The cost of labor is 550 man hours x $25hr = $13,750.00 for the 500 trailers. This is one good reason to think a little less about spending thousands on over priced pulsed MIG welding equipment and a little more about investing a few hundred dollars for providing Ed's MIG process- Control - Best Practice programs. A 1" (25mm fillet requires 1.80 lbs of weld wire per foot of weld. Divide by 2222 = 9.4 lb/hr. WELD PROCESS KNOWLEDGE PAYS IN MANY WAYS: A simple turn of the MIG wire feed control, a change in wire diameter or a change from the short circuit mode to globular, or a change from globular to the spray mode, or from pulsed MIG to Spray, and most weld shops, can typically reduce their weld costs in the range of 20 to 50%. For example in evaluating the Weld Efficiency in any weld shop all the "professional" weld decision makers should be aware of; [] the MIG weld transfer modes and their wire feed ranges that are availalble, $13.75 labor = $5 consumables = $18.75. When weld management and supervision focus on weld process capability, wire feed rates and weld deposition rate potential, this will typically ensure dramatic weld cost reduction, however this is not likely to happen with any weld shop that allows "play around" MIG / Flux cored control employees. Visit the Clad weld section for more info. REF GYS : 53277. For the welders who took the eight 8 hour training, program the simple clock method enabled those individuals to have the ability to instantly set optimum parameters for both the consumables and the weld joint variables which in the yard were many. TYPICAL MIG SPRAY FILLET WELD WITH 0.045 WIRE FEED SET AT ONE O'CLOCK 6 th TURN DELIVERS 420 ipm. 1152 inch = one pound. To get to the root cause of GMAW (MIG) & Flux Cored (FCAW) weld issues, requires Weld Process Controls and Best Weld Practice expertise. You know where to find this training resource. Weld Process Controls & Best Weld Practices. The welders average arc on time each hour is 20 minutes thats a consumtion of 10 cuft of gas, or a dollars worth of gas. [a] the patients are running the hospital, Also an unreported fact from this yard was the qualified changes that I made also dramatically increased the flux cored wire feed rates, (weld deposition rates), increasing the yard daily weld productivity in the range from 20 to 40%. ED CRAIG'S WELD CLOCK METHOD AND 0.045 (1.2 mm) WIRE: With the 0.045 wire, each wire feed turn delivers approx. for the power industry with WSI and Ed's new, "thinner" Ed's argon - 15% CO2 mix was used provided in cylinders. 3/32 (2.4 mm) Submerged Arc Wire set at 350 ipm x 60 = 2100 inch. The weld training results were dramatic, with all weld personnel attaining an instant reduction in lack of weld fusion, slag entrapment and porosity defects. We learn from the clock method that the average weld deposition rate attained by the welder using Spray Transfer and 0.045 (1.2mm) wire set around 12 0'clock or 360 inch/min, is approx. ft/lb x 0.13825728 = kg/m, cu/in x 16.387 = cu/cm As the manual welder has an arc on time of 20 minutes per-hr he is providing 3 lb/hr. You know what the welders need, provide it. He is a robot weld technician at a car plant, so it looks like we will have to cut out his "play around organ" Even when the welder had good skills, this process control training will increase the welders weld quality and productivity capability. Divide by 512 ipm = one pound. MIG process- Control - Best Practice programs. You could ask three of the most experienced weld personnel in your organization, what weld deposition rate per/hr is achieved with the wire feeds set at 420 inch/min, and also would we be better off using an 0.052 (1.4 mm) wire set at 350 inch/min? [3] How many robot / man hours required? Heat input joules (j) energy J = watts/second 3/32 (2.4 mm) Submerged Arc Wire set at 350 ipm x 60 = 2100 inch. The majority of welds produced daily in the industrial world are based on three simple fillet weld sizes. The 0.045 MIG weld wire used was an E70S-3. 60 minutes. WSI applied for the US Patent during 2006 and the patent was approved in 2009. The weld passes I developed were not only thinner they also supplied an improved transition with the weld pass tie-ins. should set the 0.045 wire feed rate to weld the 1/4 (6 mm) fillets, and also that the weld This sounds logical, yet few managers and engineers have this expertise. liquid gallon to cu/m x 0.003785, Weld mpa x 0.145 = ksi. cost of $172,000.00. [5] The total consumable cost: On the left, before the training, and on the right after the 8 hours of my best practice - process control training. All the weld cost data you need for any MIG or FCAW application can be found in my "Management Engineers Guide To MIG" book and in the process control training resources. semi-skilled personnel. 0.062 (1.6 mm) MIG Wire. 1664 inch = one pound. ED'S WELD COST REDUCTION WITH CLADDING How long will it take to complete the job with robot? Five hundred trailers requires = 2.200 pounds add 5% for waste. (24 - 26 pounds per-8 hour shift). Køb og salg af Nikon Objektiver/Linser på DBA. IN WHICH THE WELD In less than 6 months, Ed not only dramatically improved the water wall overlay weld quality but also reduced the amount of costly overlay typically required by> 28%. In the ship yards I visited it was common to find the welders would all use one setting for all welds. The welds were in accordance with the ABS welder qualification requirements and with the information from the yard's weld procedures. As many in the power industry are aware, with any cladding application "less weld and less heat provides the best results. The welder should be welding with the 0.045 wire at a wire feed rate of approx. One wire feed turn is 70 ipm = approx 1lb/hr. ROBOTS AND MANUAL WELD QUALITY: Weld Process QUALITY - COSTS Control Expertise is. Don't bother e-mailing me their confused replies. Máy hàn nhôm MIG 350PE đây là dòng máy nổi bật nhất trong dòng máy hàn nhôm MIG được đưa ra thị trường của hãng năm 2016, MIG 350PE có thiết kế nhỏ gọn, chuyên hàn cho nhôm, với mối hàn ngấn sâu, không lộ độ bền cao đảm bảo tính thẩm mĩ. oz x 0.02834 = kg This part of the program deals with MIG and flux Cored weld costs. cuft/min x 28.31 = liters/min. That's 0.1 x 40 feet or 4.4 lbs of filler metal required per trailer. WITH A TRADITIONAL "NONE DIGITAL" WIRE FEED CONTROL SIMPLY DIVIDE THE WF CONTROL INTO TEN CLOCK SETTINGS BETWEEN 7 AND 5 O'CLOCK. 8 pounds per/hr for two shifts. ksi.in 1/2 x 1.099 = MN.m-3/2 Meanwhile, over in the robot cell, that 1/4 fillet weld data is also set at 420 inch /min. 半自動溶接・自動溶接に欠かせないのが、材料である溶接ワイヤーです。溶接ワイヤーには種類があり、それらについて理解していることが大切となります。こちらでは、溶接ワイヤーの種類ごとにそれぞれの特徴をまとめました。 THE PROCESS IS NOT OPTIMIZED? gal/min x 3.785 = liter/min When are you going to frown at people who have to play around with weld controls. 0.062 (1.6 mm) MIG Wire. km/hr x 0.027777 = m/sec When are you going to arrange weld process control training for all the employees involved with weld decisions? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO OPTIMIZE THE LOWEST WELD COSTS, WHEN MANAGERS HAVE WELD PROCESS CONTROLS & BEST WELD PRACTICE EXPERTISE, IT'S EASY TO GENERATE MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COST SAVINGS PER-SHIP: During the first four months of 2007, I presented my unique, manual, gas shielded flux cored process control training programs to Aker Kvaerner. A 1/4 fillet requires 0.11 lbs of weld wire per foot of weld. Isoleringen är märkt "NEXANS GS Z1 SEMKO AREA mm2" alternativt "NEXANS GS … mph x 1.609 = km/h Weld 60 minutes. One thing easily measured at any weld shop which employs personnel that understand MIG - Flux Cored Weld Process Controls, is the Weld Shop Efficiency with the arc weld processes and weld wires most utilized. Jag hade nöjt mig med att linda över de två rören och de släta bulten med några varv silvertejp. [7] Total weld cost per trailer. This web site was first established in 1997 by Ed Craig. Watt per meter kelvin w/m.k The weld reality is the weld industry is too many weld supervisors are more interested in ensuring the weld personnel The job requires 550 man/hours divide by 40 requires 14 days. To deposit the 4 lb/hr for the 550 lbs/ of weld will require 138 hrs of weld labor, (add 20% as a cusion). WHATS THE WELD TIME? HOW DO I KNOW HOW MUCH WELD WIRE TO ORDER ? These programs are available here. gal/min x 8.0208 = cu/ft/hr. Now I have finally got down to figuring out the real costs of the manual MIG welds, I will see if we can do anything about creating weld cost reductions with the use of my robot. 70 to 80 inch./min per-wire feed control turn. [] the most efficient MIG or FCA weld consumable size that should be used, 2222 inch = one pound. Each gas cylinder requires approx 300 cuft of gas = 6 cylinders per sub assembly. The process test revealed that all those who had passed the welder qualification test had a good reason why most of the weld personnel "played around with their weld controls" One hundred percent of the employees including the engineers lacked flux cored weld process control - best practice expertise, and lacked the awareness of the unique requirements necessary to consistently achieve optimum weld quality for the Vee Groove, ceramic backed plate welds. WIRE 0.035 area = 0.00096 in/sq If a part has 9 feet (180 inches) of weld, each part requires a pound of weld at a $1 per-pound thats a no brainer. 60 minutes. In contrast to the manual welder, the robot is also set at with the 0.045 wire feed set at 350 inch/min. A 1/2 (13mm_ fillet requires 0.42 lbs of weld wire per foot of weld. Note that 3/32 TIG wire fed at 8 ipm is delivering about 1 lb/hr which is another reason to go to the TIP TIG section. Many thanks to some Tom O'Malley the owner of Excell. RQ är en halogenfri, HFFR-isolerad, kopplingsledning med en rund mångtrådig ledare av koppar. Metric Megapascal MPa Kabeln är konstruerad enligt SS 424 02 31-3 i tillämpliga delar. If you work in a weld shop in which weld personnel "play around" with their weld controls, how can you considers your organization to be professional when the welds are being produced by ft/sec x 0.3048 = m/sec 10 lbs/hr. PERSONNEL DAILY PLAY AROUND" WITH THEIR With my MIG and Flux Cored Weld Clock Method, each clock wire feed turn delivers approx. What's the weld cost per-part? kPa = 0.14503 psi Tom provided the facilities and equipment for the training. The ABS welder qualification test also had little in common with the weld requirements and weld application variables which are typically found in any ship yard.