Providers are listed by location, and the order in which they appear has no other significance. Cuban-born U.S. citizens will be treated as Cuban citizens and may be subject to restrictions and obligations. If your connecting flight to the United States was booked separately or a connection in your itinerary lasts longer than 24 hours, you will need to get tested within the three days before your flight that arrives in the United States. Note: Javascript is disabled or is not supported by your browser. If not, tell us why: What was wrong? How do I view different file formats (PDF, DOC, PPT, MPEG) on this site? If you must travel to Cuba, get fully vaccinated before travel. As a result, the Consular Section of U.S. Embassy Havana will offer only emergency U.S. citizen services and emergency nonimmigrant visa services. People can continue to test positive for up to 3 months after diagnosis and not be infectious to others. If they do travel within the U.S., they should get tested for COVID-19 one to three days before departure and again three to five days after returning. Learn when it is safe for you to travel. For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study and exchange. The following information must be provided for each passenger: Name (family name/surname, given name), passport number and country, Cell phone number including country code of passenger or head of household if family unit, Email address of passenger or head of household if family unit, Name of submitting entity if different from passenger, Name of company submitting on behalf of passenger(s) (if applicable), Name of point of contact submitting on behalf of passenger(s) (if applicable), Phone and email address for POC submitting waiver request on behalf of passenger(s) (if applicable), Purpose of travel to the U.S. (provide brief explanation of why urgent travel is needed and how travel will contribute to health and safety of passengers(s)), Justification for testing waiver (e.g. Other COVID-19 impacts on travel. Yes, Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? Cuba to Quarantine Travelers Amid COVID-19 Surge More FILE PHOTO: Tourists from Russia, staying in a beach resort, walk in downtown during a day trip to Havana, Cuba, January 6, 2021. Shortages of basic medical supplies exist throughout Cuba, to include most over-the-counter medications such as antifever or oral rehydration medications, thermometers, respiratory face masks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment. The test result is available within 24 to 72 hours. Cuba requires visitors to have non-U.S. medical insurance, which is usually included in airline ticket prices on flights originating in the United States. Saving Lives, Protecting People, alternative text for web accessible infographic, US Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Country Information page, Information for Healthcare Professionals about Coronavirus (COVID-19), Know When Not to Travel to Avoid Spreading COVID-19, How CDC Determines the Level of a Destination’s COVID-19 Travel Health Notice, US Department of State: Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID), Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ), Obtención de atención médica en el extranjero, Zika: A CDC Guide for Travelers infographic, Guidelines for US Citizens and Residents Living in Areas with Zika, Introduction to Travel Health & the CDC Yellow Book. Yes. Yes, but flights are limited and can be cancelled with little notice. For more information about this message, please visit this page: Level 4: Very High Level of COVID-19 in Cuba, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cuba: As of 15 November 2020, travelers from all countries are permitted to visit Cuba under regular visa requirements. If it is negative, another PCR test will be given on the fifth day of isolation; if the second PCR test is negative, the isolation period is over. Travelling between the United States and Cuba. Tourists arriving into Cuba will be tested for COVID-19 at the airport. CDC twenty four seven. Cambodia International travel is now possible, but travelers need to present a negative COVID-19 test dated no longer than 72 hours prior to arrival. To receive U.S. Embassy Havana alert messages directly in your email inbox, please register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) at, Traveler Information page on, Cuba Country Information and Travel Advisory page, Information from the CDC regarding COVID-19 vaccination,, Health Alert – Airline Passengers to the United States Must Provide Negative COVID-19 Viral Test, Health Alert – U.S. Embassy, Havana, Cuba, Waivers to the testing requirement may be granted by the CDC on an extremely limited basis when extraordinary emergency travel (like an emergency medical evacuation) must occur to preserve someone’s health and safety, and testing cannot be completed before travel. There’s no license to apply for or carry. Recent flights with potential COVID-19 exposure; Permanent residents; Immigration and refugees; Transport regulations and movement of goods ; Situation in Canada. It is important for each traveler to contact the local immigration office as early as possible to avoid delays at the airport. Benin; Cambodia; Dominica; Guam (U.S.) Hong Kong SAR; Iceland; Japan; Mauritania; Mauritius; New Caledonia; Nepal; Northern Mariana Islands; Rwanda; Singapore; South Korea; Trinidad and Tobago; Zimbabwe BETA. Upon arrival in Cuba, incoming travelers will also be subject to a mandatory PCR test, and a mandatory period of self-isolation until they receive the result of the PCR test. COVID-19 Information Last updated: 04/08/2021 *** Effective January 26, all airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. On March 17, 2020, the Consular Section of U.S. Embassy Havana announced that Consular services will be limited to only emergency U.S. citizen services and nonimmigrant visa services. For foreign citizens who want to live permanently in the United States. Important Coronavirus (COVID-19) travel It is illegal to travel abroad from the UK for holidays. The U.S. State Department is asking U.S. Citizens who need help to leave Cuba … Antibody tests are not compliant with the requirement. Low restrictions. COVID related restrictions remain in place in Cuba. If you recovered from a documented COVID-19 infection within the last 3 months, follow all requirements and recommendations for fully vaccinated travelers except you do NOT need to get a test 3-5 days after travel unless you are symptomatic. If U.S. citizens choose to travel to Cuba, despite the level 4 travel alert for Cuba (DO NOT TRAVEL – see, Is public transportation operating? no testing available, impact on health and safety), Documentation to support justification for test waiver, if available (e.g. All travelers will also be required to fill out a health declaration card before being allowed entry in Cuba. However, the government plans to reduce incoming flights to curb coronavirus cases. If you do not follow your destination's requirements, you may be denied entry and required to return to the United States. You should buy extra travel health insurance to cover your stay in Cuba. The Embassy is unable to administer or pay for tests. Non-compliance with Cuban government measures and hygiene protocols may result in fines and/or criminal penalties. for the most current information on COVID-19 testing and documentation necessary to meet CDC requirements. Individuals – or air carriers seeking to allow boarding by potentially qualifying individuals – who believe they meet the criteria for a waiver should contact the U.S. Embassy at. More on Travel insurance. You do NOT have to self-quarantine after you arrive in the United States. Yes No. You will also need to take another test at the airport. BETA Cuba travel restrictions. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. CDC requires that air passengers arriving in the United States have a paper or electronic copy of their test result for review by the airline before boarding and possible review by public health officials after arrival in the United States. There are twelve categories to choose from and Americans can visit Cuba independently with eleven of them. As of January 1, 2021, all incoming travelers must present a negative COVID-19 PCR test result taken less than 72 hours before arrival to Cuba at the port of entry. CDC requirement for Negative COVID-19 test prior to air travel: A negative viral COVID test or documentation of recovery is required for. In Gefahr begeben sollte sich keiner, aber es ist auch bedauerlich, wenn wegen des Coronavirus der Havanna Urlaub beziehungsweise eine Geschäftsreise nach Havanna ausfällt. Follow any entry requirements or restrictions at your destination which might include testing, quarantine, and providing contact information. Yes, but limited. Verify what is necessary to enter the state to which you are traveling. The positive test result and letter together are referred to as “documentation of recovery.”. Cuba does not recognize the U.S. nationality of Cuban-born U.S. citizens. A certificate of the result should be collected in person. The Associated Press reports that the Cuban … There is a Level 4 Travel Advisory recommending U.S. citizens not travel to Cuba due to health and safety concerns and COVID-19-related conditions. The Cuban government requires Cuban dual nationals to enter and depart Cuba using Cuban passports. Alternatively, travelers to the U.S. may provide documentation from a licensed health care provider of having recovered from COVID-19 in the 90 days preceding travel. Cost of medical service is usually covered by the Cuban government if required by local authorities. After the test is taken, the traveler will quarantine at their hotel for a maximum for 24 hours for test results. Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol). If you are not fully vaccinated and must travel, take the following steps: Do NOT travel if were exposed to COVID-19, you are sick, you test positive for COVID-19, or you are waiting for results of a COVID-19 test. Self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms; isolate and get tested if you develop symptoms. A parent or other authorized individual should attest on behalf of a passenger aged two to 17 years that they have received a negative test. If your flight is delayed before departure, you will need to be re-tested if the delay causes your test to fall outside of the three-day pre-departure testing period. Yes, Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? Do NOT travel if were exposed to COVID-19, you are sick, you test positive for COVID-19, or you are waiting for results of a COVID-19 test. Yes. Please follow host country developments and guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination. No, Which vaccines are available in Cuba? Note: This list is not comprehensive and the information within is subject to change at any time. Upon arrival in Cuba, incoming travelers will also be subject to a mandatory PCR test at the port of entry (airport, marina), and a mandatory period of self-isolation until they receive the result of the PCR test. … While the Global Level 4 Travel Advisory has been removed generally, Cuba itself remains at Level 4. Clinicians should obtain a detailed travel history for patients with symptoms of COVID-19 infection. Get tested with a viral test 1-3 days before your trip. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. You can find a full outline in our guide to Everything You Need to Know About the New Cuba Travel Policy. Travelers who test positive will be transferred to the National Institute of Tropical Diseases Pedro Kouri (IPK). Cuban authorities won’t let you leave the country if you have outstanding medical bills. Before the coronavirus sealed off Cuba, Alejandro made $30 an hour showing tourists the sights from his classic Chevy, which he painted hot pink to grab visitors' attention. In the event of an emergency, U.S. citizens can contact us at +53-7839-4100 or email us at. No, Are vaccines available in Cuba for U.S. citizens to receive? You do NOT have to get tested before leaving the United States, unless your destination requires it. Find the closest American Space in Cuba where you can connect with the U.S. Visit this part of our website for information on the U.S. COVID-19 cases, vaccines, limiting the spread; Did you find what you were looking for? Are PCR and/or antigen tests available for U.S. citizens in Cuba? The CDC offers testing and quarantine information on all states: Travelers should avoid all travel to Cuba. COVID related restrictions remain in place in Cuba. *** Effective January 26, all airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. While the Global Level 4 Travel Advisory has been removed generally, Cuba itself remains at Level 4. Airlines must confirm the negative test result or proof of recovery for all passengers two … U.S. Citizens with emergencies, please call +53 7 839 4100, Outside of Office Hours, contact: +53 7 839 4100, dial 1 for English, then 0 to speak to an operator, Outside of Cuba: 1-888-407-4747 or 1-202-501-4444. Here are the latest coronavirus policies that travelers to Cuba should know: February 22nd: There are flights from American airports to Havana. Yes. Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when in public. Learn more about quality higher-education opportunities in the U.S. that you will not find anywhere else in the world. If the PCR result is positive, they will be transferred to health facilities and hospitalized in isolation. English (US) EN United States $ USD USD ($) Flights. Below is the latest Cuba coronavirus statistics on the Thursday 25th March 2021 reported at 05:27 (UTC) on 25th March 2021. Cuba appears to be struggling to contain the coronavirus. In some instances, travelers may be permitted to stay in a Cuban government isolation facility. Check the CDC website for additional information and Frequently Asked Questions. Because of the current situation in Cuba even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants and should avoid all travel to Cuba. For U.S.-bound travelers, each state has its own testing and entry requirements. : +53 72711123) performs COVID-19 PCR tests for foreign citizens in Havana, with samples collected from 8:30am to 11:30am. When departing Cuba, U.S. travelers are advised to exchange Cuban convertible pesos (CUC) back to US Dollars well before reaching airport security checkpoints to avoid potential confiscation of the CUC. You might be prevented from returning to the United States as scheduled. Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Removing the Cuban Military’s Grip from Cuba’s Banking Sector, Additions of Cuban Military-Owned Companies to the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, Treasury Continues Pressure on Maduro Regime for Role in Fraudulent Elections, Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With Nora Gamez Torres of El Nuevo Herald and Miami Herald, Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury, United States and Cuba Hold Seventh Bilateral Commission Meeting. Yes, Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? For other currencies, travelers may export up to the equivalent of 5,000 USD. Key Information for Travelers to Cuba. Airlines will deny boarding to anyone without a negative test or documentation of recovering from COVID-19. Alternatively, travelers to the U.S. may provide documentation from a licensed health care provider of having recovered from COVID-19 in the 90 days preceding travel. If you suspect that a traveler has COVID-19, see Information for Healthcare Professionals about Coronavirus (COVID-19) for information on evaluating, reporting, clinical care guidance, and infection control. Don’t travel with someone who is sick. If traveling by air, check if your airline requires any health information, test results, or other documents. Cuban government reporting about high risk areas, policies, and quarantine measures is subject to frequent change and often contradictory depending on the ministry or government office involved. Visitors already must arrive with proof of a negative test for the new coronavirus and take another one at the airport. Unless travelers already have a reservation at a participating hotel, the government of Cuba will select the hotel for the isolation period. based on information provided by local providers. Plan ahead and learn more about Getting Health Care During Travel. There is a Level 4 Travel Advisory recommending U.S. citizens not travel to Cuba due to health and safety concerns and COVID-19-related conditions. The Cuban government eventually admitted that the coronavirus was there, brought in by European tourists. If you test positive on arrival, you might be required to isolate. As of January 1, 2021, all incoming … If you test positive, you must self-isolate and delay your travel. Effective January 26, all airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. Be the first to know if and when it’s safe to visit Cuba, with up-to-date information on travel restrictions, quarantine regulations and entry requirements. All visitors are required to take a COVID-19 test and quarantine for 14 days in a state-designated facility. The cost of the test is $30, to be paid by Visa or Mastercard (U.S. credit cards accepted). [Read our 2021 Travel questions and answers guide on restrictions, vaccination and more.]. All travelers should wear a mask, stay 6 feet from others, avoid crowds, and wash their hands. All travelers should wear a mask, stay 6 feet from others, avoid crowds, and wash their hands. By U.S. Embassy Havana | 11 May, 2020 | Topics: Alert, News. Even if you test negative, stay home and self-quarantine for the full 7 days. All travelers will also be required to fill out a. Coronavirus: Donald Trump bans travel from mainland Europe to US President blames European Union and says US clusters were ‘seeded’ by European travellers Car Rental. You may not travel to Cuba from the United States unless you meet certain … Cuban residents and citizens should check with their local health authority regarding the availability of testing. Zu Zeiten des Coronavirus müsste eine Reise nach Havanna in Kuba gut durchdacht werden. Alerts and Messages for U.S. visitors to Cuba. Cuba does not recognize the U.S. nationality of Cuban-born U.S. citizens. Airline personnel must verify that every passenger over age two onboard has attested to receiving a negative test result or to having recovered from COVID-19 and being cleared to travel by a licensed health professional or a public health official. This is the official website of the U.S. Embassy in Cuba. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. Has the government of Cuba approved a COVID-19 vaccine for use? Learn when it is safe for you to travel. Latest travel advice for Cuba, including how to stay safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and information on returning to the UK. Note: Travelers testing negative upon arrival will be given the option of self-isolating in a government-run facility or at a hotel participating in the government’s COVID isolation program. Effective January 26, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will require all air passengers entering the United States (including U.S. citizens and Legal Permanent Residents) to present a negative COVID-19 test, taken within three calendar days of departure or proof of recovery from the virus within the last 90 days . But Cuba is working on a way to both reopen for tourists and keep their coronavirus numbers at bay. Travelers should avoid all travel to Cuba. Please ensure that the test provider you choose will provide test results that comply with CDC guidelines (for U.S.-bound travelers) and those of your airline. If you must travel to Cuba, get fully vaccinated before travel. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website.