Akainu (still on the ground, crouching on one arm): Real cute, Kuzan, but not nearly enough. Summary. Aokiji decides to fight Akainu for the position of Fleet Admiral. The other two while insane by our standards aren't anywhere near as insane as people seem to be thinking One Piece is by far the weakest setting of the big 3 anime and Akainu vs Aokiji wasn't even island tier also pressure attacks (MOABs and the like) would likely be effective against them. While Akainu rose as the Fleet Admiral replacing Sengoku. • Luffy vs Akainu ( Sabo is also possible , but anyway , continue to other matchups ) • Zoro vs Kizaru • Sanji + Jinbe vs Ryokugyu • Franky vs Chaton • Robin vs Momousagi ... then the Aokiji Vs Akainu: this is basically a watered down version of Luffy Vs Kata. *Example: If Aokiji is the winner at the end of the event, and you earned 500 Pts on Aokiji side and 200 Pts on Akainu side, you can get the contribution reward since you earned more Pts on the winner's side. Bleach Duo Annihilates 32% . Could go either way 11% . Check it here! Even if though I see Prime Garp slightly stronger than current Akainu,prime Sengoku is weaker than Aokiji (who is almost as strong as Akainu). Aokiji: Because, it might come back to bite you one day. It is stated that current marine force is the strongest in history (in entire 800 years old WG history). Before the time-skip, he held the position of an Admiral, but that soon changed when Akainu went toe-to-toe against Aokiji for the position of Fleet Admiral. Aokiji's Devil fruit was at a disadvantage compared to Akainu, but not as linear as Ace's fruit was to Akainu. Real name Sakazuki, Akainu is a Fleet Admiral, the head of the Marine force of World Government. During the destruction of Ohara, he destroyed an evacuee ship on the chance that one of their targets was aboard, saying that if one is to do a job it must be done properly. As well as the difference being supernatural ice, the difference in ice is also in temperature, level of control, and magnitude of Creation level. And by the same level what do you mean exactly? The mass of magma goes high into the air and then falls in the water just off the coast. Akainu: Ughh. Akainu is one of the strongest characters in One Piece. Aokiji vs Akainu Akainu didn’t let Aokiji freely leave after the battle. Poll Akainu and Aokiji vs Ichigo and Aizen (62 votes) 2 Admirals Dominate 26% . What’s the reason for Aokiji’s defeat? * Having the same strenghts? * Having the same levels of Haki mastering? Akainu and Aokiji … * Having the same levels of fighting experiencies? *If you earned the same Pts on both sides, you can get the contribution reward if … While Aokiji was backed by Sengoku to replace him, Akainu was in … Of course the same goes for Akainu so … He throws the giant magma punch and Aokiji easily dodges. The battle results in Aokiji’s lost, and he left the Marines. Akainu is apparently the most hard-line of the Marines, following the doctrine of Absolute Justice. Dai Funka! Due to awakening Kiji is basically superior to akainu. The fight between these two Admirals lasted for 10 days in Punk Hazard.