And because I know that many are incredulous on this point,-for indeed I have met with persons who did not believe me when I related such things,-I call to witness Jesus, and our common hope as Christians, that I never heard from any other lips than those of Martin such exhibitions of knowledge and genius, or such specimens of good and pure speech. You can watch the Livestream on our YOUTUBE Channel. Martin threw himself in the way of the frenzied creature, and first of all commanded him to stand still. In the meantime, Clarus urges upon the brethren to be earnest in prayer, that the Lord would show them more clearly what it really was. Then, indeed, the miserable man began to resist and refuse, and affirmed that he had been forbidden to show himself to Martin. December 2, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Martin has to do both with Angels and Devils. By all these qualities he had so endeared himself to the whole body of his comrades, that they esteemed him while they marvelously loved him. They all took their food together, after the hour of fasting was past. Still, it is remarkable that in a man who had no claim to be called learned, even this attribute [of high intelligence] was not wanting. The Bible is one of the most popular texts in the world in French. The demon set forth the crimes of each of them; but they added that Martin, resisting the devil firmly, answered him, that by-past sins are cleansed away by the leading of a better life, and that through the mercy of God, those are to be absolved from their sins who have given up their evil ways. St. Martin’s body from decay as a miracle to help people believe in Him. I am conscious to myself that I have been induced by belief in the facts, and by the love of Christ, to write these things; and that, in doing so, I have set forth what is well known, and recorded what is true; and, as I trust, that man will have a reward prepared by God, not who shall read these things, but who shall believe them.(42). In so doing, we have regard also to our own advantage, so that we may look for, not a vain remembrance among men, but an eternal reward from God. Nevertheless, although just drawing his last breath, he made known to the brethren the cause of his wound and death. It happened that Martin had already entered the church. IT is also well known that angels were very often' seen by him, so that they spoke in turns with him in set speech. He was entreating those that passed by to have compassion upon him, but all passed the wretched man without notice, when Martin, that man full of God, recognized that a being to whom others showed no pity, was, in that respect, left to him. Martin restores one that had been strangled. devoting their pens to the embellishment of the lives of famous men. The study is convened on Zoom for parishioners and the public (hosted by the rector). In these circumstances who can doubt that this victory was due to the saintly man? This event had such an influence upon Arborius, that he at once consecrated the girl to God, and devoted her to perpetual virginity. For, having in a certain village set fire to a very ancient and celebrated temple, the circle of flames was carried by the action of the wind upon a house which was very close to, yea, connected with, the temple. An angel once miraculously helped Martin convince an emperor in Germany to free a prisoner who had been condemned to death. Martin was born to pagan parents in present-day Hungary but … Martin of Tours died in his bed. Never was there any word on his lips but Christ, and never was there a feeling in his heart except piety, peace, and tender mercy. Centre d'Études Bibliques. Not long after these events, while Martin was passing by the estate of a certain man named Lupicinus, who was held in high esteem according to the judgment of the world, he was received with shouting and the lamentations of a wailing crowd. And since our discourse has here sprung up concerning the devil and his devices, it does not seem away from the point, although the matter does not bear immediately upon Martin, to relate what took place; both because the virtues of Martin do, to some extent, appear in the transaction, and the incident, which was worthy of a miracle, will properly be put on record, with the view of furnishing a caution, should anything of a similar character subsequently occur. For more information, click here. And even of those which had become known to us, we have omitted a great number, because we have judged it enoughif only the more striking and eminent should berecorded. A letter of Sulpicius Severus (Epist. He added that he grieved rather for the man in whose hands he was, because, by living a life of robbery, he was showing himself unworthy of the mercy of Christ. For what city or church would there be that would not desire to have its priests from among those in the monastery of Martin? Not long after this, he was warned in a dream that he should visit his native land, and more particularly his parents, who were still involved in heathenism, with a regard for their religious interests. For so doing, we have seen this bishop at a later date deprived of his office. Perceiving from a distance the crowd that was approaching, and being ignorant as to what was going on, he stood still for a little while. He did not, however, all at once, retire from military service, yielding to the entreaties of his tribune, whom he admitted to be his familiar tent-companion. We go live every Sunday at about 9:28AM. And although the good Lord could have preserved his own soldier, even amid the swords and darts of the enemy, yet that his blessed eyes might not be pained by witnessing the death of others, he removed all necessity for fighting. Much of what we know of Martin comes from the writings of Sulpicius Severus, who is said to have known him personally. But, after the lapse only of a few days, the catechumen, seized with a languor, began to suffer from a violent fever. I have just slain one of your people." Bible App for Tonga: Tongan/English Bible AKJV / WEB , Biblia : 1909 Reina Valera Then, indeed, judging it a suitable opportunity for seeking his discharge - for he did not think it would be proper for him, if he were not to continue in the service, to receive a donative - he said to Caesar, "Hitherto I have served you as a soldier: allow me now to become a soldier to God: let the man who is to serve thee receive thy donative: I am the soldier of Christ it is not lawful for me to fight." Bien quélevé dans le paganisme, il en méprisait le culte, et comme sil eût été naturellement chrétien, il ne se plaisait que dans lassemblée des fidèles, où il se rendait souvent malgré lopposition de sa famille. Salem Media Group. Nevertheless, I have my fears that yon will become the means of its publication to the world; and I well know that, once issued, it can never(1) be recalled. But let me proceed to a description of other excellences which Martin displayed as a bishop. For there was hardly one of that immense multitude of heathens who did not express a desire for the imposition of hands, and abandoning his impious errors, made a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus. But when day broke, Clarus wished to take the young man by the hand, and bring him to Martin, being well aware that he could not be deceived by any arts of the devil. Luther. St. Martin’s offers a wide range of Christian Education programs for the entire family where everyone can grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Saint Martin, né en Pannonie, suivit en Italie son père, qui était tribun militaire au service de Rome. Often, too, were heard words of reproach, in which the crowd of demons assailed Martin with scurrilous expressions. Those who stood by heard, in a wonderful way, the voice of the speaker, but they beheld no person. Now, the Psalm ran thus: "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise because of thine enemies, that thou mightest destroy the enemy and the avenger. But when he perceived the strength of the poison increasing within him, and death now nearly at hand, he warded off the imminent danger by means of prayer, and immediately all his pains were put to flight. The angel appeared to the emperor to announce that Martin was on his way to visit and ask the emperor to free the prisoner. But yet, how insignificant is all such praise when compared with the virtues which he possessed! St. Martin was ready to fall to his feet and worship this resplendent being of glory and light. Yet, what should he do? During nearly three years before his baptism, he was engaged in the profession of arms, but he kept completely free from those vices in which that class of men become too frequently involved. They especially felt this, because, being possessed of more than Martin, they could have clothed the poor man without reducing themselves to nakedness. When a mere boy, Martin became a Christian catechumen against his parents’ wish; and at fifteen was therefore seized by his father, a pagan soldier, and enrolled in the army. Frequently, too, he used to weep for the sins of those who showed themselves his revilers-those who, as he led his retired and tranquil life, slandered him with poisoned tongue and a viper's mouth. He has become one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints in France, heralded as the patron saint of the French Third Republic, and is patron saint of many communities and organizations across Europe. For, although we ourselves have not lived in such a manner that we can serve for an example to others, nevertheless, we have made it our endeavor that he should not remain unknown who was a man worthy of imitation. No one used wine, except when illness compelled them to do so. Martin did not refuse this appointment, from the fear that he might seem to have looked down upon it as somewhat humble. This course, although it did not secure for them a lasting reputation, still has undoubtedly brought them some fulfilment of the hope they cherished. But in a village which was named Leprosum, when he too wished to overthrow a temple which had acquired great wealth through the superstitious ideas entertained of its sanctity, a multitude of the heathen resisted him to such a degree that he was driven back not without bodily injury. A native of Pannonia, he converted to Christianity at a young age. His mother apprenticed him to a surgeon/barber where he learned to care for the sick. This event has passed. Nay rather, I have stilled and quieted In truth, just as it is the custom of blacksmiths, in the midst of their work to beat their own anvil as a sort of relief to the laborer, so Martin even when he appeared to be doing something else, was still engaged in prayer. He is the patron of African-Americans, against rats, barbers, poor people and many other things. Then truly the expectation of all was highly raised by this profession. St. Martin de Porres was born in Lima, Peru on December 9, 1579. Sunday… wards, Maximus was taken and slain by him within the walls of Aquileia. Now, it was of the utmost softness, of marvelous brightness, and of glittering purple, and yet no one could discover what was its nature, or of what sort of fleece it had been formed. Rarely did any one of them go beyond the cell, unless when they assembled at the place of prayer. But I implore thosewho are to read what follows to give full faith tothe things narrated, and to believe that I havewritten nothing of which I had not certainknowledge and evidence. Then truly, a shout being raised to heaven, the heathen were amazed by the miracle, while the monks wept for joy; and the name of Christ was in common extolled by all. When Martin ordered it to depart, it laid hold of a certain member of the family, who was staying in the inner part of the house; and the poor wretch began at once to rage with his teeth, and to lacerate whomsoever he met. Feast Day of Saint Martin The Feast Day of Saint Martin is November 11th. No art was practiced there, except that of transcribers, and even this was assigned to the brethren of younger years, while the elders spent their time in prayer. Then Tetradius throws himself at the feet of the saintly man, imploring that he himself would go down to the house in which the possessed of the devil was kept. They began, therefore, to cut down their own tree, with great glee and joyfulness, while there was at some distance a great multitude of wondering spectators. And even to him, changing places as it were, he often acted as though, while really master, he had been inferior; to such a degree that, for the most part, he drew off his [servant's] boots and cleaned them with his own hand; while they took their meals together, the real master, however, generally acting the part of servant. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. But when the saintly man discovered that they were simply a band of peasants celebrating funeral rites, and not sacrifices to the gods, again raising his hand, he gave them the power of going away, and of lifting up the body. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the … There is no need to praise the self-denial which he displayed: it was so great that, even at that date, he was regarded not so much as being a soldier as a monk. He showed exceeding kindness towards his fellow-soldiers, and held them in wonderful affection; while his patience and humility surpassed what seemed possible to human nature. For what has a glory, destined to perish with the world, profited those men themselves who have written on mere secular matters? The original Saint John’s Bible is housed at the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. And we have seen that this did in fact take place. Upon this, he declares his name, and confesses his guilt. It so happened that Martin had then left home, and having remained away three days, he found on his return that life had departed from the catechumen; and so suddenly had death occurred, that he had left this world without receiving baptism. Military Service of St. Martin. No one can adequately make known his perseverance and self-mastery in abstinence and fastings, or his power in watchings and prayers, along with the nights, as well as days, which were spent by him, while not a moment was separated from the service of God, either for indulging in ease, or engaging in business. Bien qu’élevé dans le paganisme, il en méprisait le culte, et comme s’il eût été naturellement chrétien, il ne se plaisait que dans l’assemblée des fidèles, où il se rendait souvent malgré l’opposition de sa famille. Martin of Tours was the third bishop of Tours. Through Christ our Lord. The Devil throws himself in the Way of Martin. But then laying hold; as it were, of the Holy Spirit, with the whole powers of his mind, he orders the others to quit the cell in which the body was lying; and bolting the door, he stretches himself at full length on the dead limbs of the departed brother. There can be no profit in such things, since it is not only folly to imitate the persons referred to, but absolute madness not to assail them with the utmost severity. He lived to serve. Saint Martin's College and Seminary P.O. He himself also, when, by a certain accident, he had fallen out of an upper room, and tumbling down a broken, uneven stair, had received many wounds, as he lay in his cell at the point of death, and was tortured with grievous sufferings, saw in the night an angel appear to him, who washed his wounds, and applied healing ointment to the bruised members of his body. He served in the Roman cavalry in Gaul, but left military service at some point prior to 361, when he became a disciple of Hilary of Poitiers, establishing the monastery Then indeed, turning to the Lord with a loud voice and giving thanks, he filled the cell with his ejaculations. Then Martin assembled the brethren, and related to them what the devil had disclosed, while he ordered them carefully to search the several cells in order to discover who had been visited with this calamity. Then indeed Martin most courageously repliedthat he never before had felt so safe, because heknew that the mercy of the Lord would be especially present with him in the midst of trials. We are having Mass and you can participate from Home. A Letter of Martin effects a Cure, with OtherMiracles. Paulinus, too, a man who was afterwards to furnish a striking example of the age, having begun to suffer grievously in one of his eyes, and when a pretty thick skin(32) having grown over it had already covered up its pupil, Martin touched his eye with a painter's brush, and, all pain being removed, thus restored it to its former soundness. Martin destroys/Heathen females and Altars. And truly we have had experience of some who were envious of his virtues and his life-who really hated in him what they did not see in themselves, and what they had not power to imitate. Having, therefore, for a time kept away from the place, by no means wishing to lessen the religious veneration with which it was regarded, because he was as yet uncertain, but, at the same time not lending his authority to the opinion of the multitude, lest a mere superstition should obtain a firmer footing, he one day went out to the place, taking a few brethren with him as companions. His father was at first simply a soldier, but afterwards a military tribune. Full alike of dignity and courtesy, he kept up the position of a bishop properly, yet in such a way as not to lay aside the objects and virtues of a monk. He is the patron of African-Americans, against rats, barbers, poor people and many other things. Accordingly he made use, for some time, of the cell connected with the church but afterwards, when he felt it impossible to tolerate the disturbance caused by the numbers of those visiting it, he established a monastery for himself about two miles outside the city. Moreover, some of the brethren bore witness that they had heard a demon reproaching Martin in abusive terms, and asking why he had taken back, on their subsequent repentance, certain of the brethren who had, some time previously, lost their baptism by falling into various errors. Reasons for writing the Life of St. Martin. However, I have submitted the work to you on the sure understanding that you will reveal it to no other, having received your promise to that effect. Can't find what you need? For, although his outward deeds could in some sort of way be set forth in words, no language, I truly own, can ever be capable of describing his inner life and daily conduct, and his mind always bent upon the things of heaven. Saint Martin, né en Pannonie, suivit en Italie son père, qui était tribun militaire au service de Rome. At Paris, again, when Martin was entering the gate of the city, with large crowds attending him, he gave a kiss to a leper, of miserable appearance, while all shuddered at seeing him do so; and Martin blessed him, with the result that he was instantly cleansed from all his misery. And these people, though, under the influence of the Lord, they had been quiet while the temple was being overthrown, could not patiently allow the tree to be cut down. Nor truly was it allowed them to do anything else, than what the people, following the Divine will, desired(22) to be accomplished. For, on a certain day, prayer(38) having been previously offered, and the fiend himself being surrounded by a purple light, in order that he might the more easily deceive people by the brilliance of the splendor assumed, clothed also in a royal robe, and with a crown of precious stones and gold encircling his head, his shoes too being inlaid with gold, while he presented a tranquil countenance, and a generally rejoicing aspect, so that no such thought as that he was the devil might be entertained-he stood by the side of Martin as he was praying in his cell. By the time of Saint Martin Luther, the Bible was a RARE book. He had nothing except the cloak in which he was clad, for he had already parted with the rest of his garments for similar purposes. When he was fifteen, Martin became a lay helper at the Dominican Friary of Lima. That region is what is today the nation of Hungary. Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program is an international initiative for individuals and institutions to explore the artistic and spiritual beauty of The Saint John’s Bible with fine art limited editions created under the direction of Donald Jackson. May 4 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Having, in an anxious state of mind gone up to that multitude, and enquired what such weeping meant, he was told that one of the slaves of the family had put an end to his life by hanging. At last, constrained by the bishops standing by to go as requested, he went down to the home of the girl. We welcome you into the warmth of this vibrant community. Authors. He therefore appointed him to be an exorcist. A certain girl at Treves(31) was so completely prostrated by a terrible paralysis that for a long time she had been quite unable to make use of her body for any purpose, and being, as it were, already dead, only the smallest breath of life seemed still to remain in her. Thinking, therefore, that it was necessary to yield to circumstances, he withdrew to the island Gallinaria,(16) with a certain presbyter as his companion, a man of distinguished excellences. On hearing these words, the devil vanished like smoke, and filled the cell with such a disgusting smell, that he left unmistakable evidences of his real character. Lamb Studios Archive/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (LAMB no. The Lord, truly mindful of his own words (who had said when on earth - "Inasmuch(10) as ye have done these things to one of the least of these, ye have done them unto me), declared that he himself had been clothed in that poor man; and to confirm the testimony he bore to so good a deed, he condescended to show him himself in that very dress which the poor man had received. After this, when the Arian heresy had spread through the whole world, and was especially powerful in Illyria, and when he, almost single-handed, was fighting most strenuously against the treachery of the priests, and had been subjected to many punishments (for he was publicly scourged, and at last was compelled to leave the city), again betaking himself to Italy, and having found the Church in the two divisions of Gaul in a distracted condition through the departure also of the holy Hilarius, whom the violence of the heretics had driven into exile, he established a monastery for himself at Milan. This he did, for instance, by aiding those who were in trouble, by furnishing assistance to the wretched, by supporting the needy, by clothing the naked, while he reserved nothing for himself from his military pay except what was necessary for his daily sustenance. He did so, he said, because he had great scruples on these points, inasmuch as no steady tradition respecting them had come down from antiquity. The meaning is usually rendered in reference to the god as "of Mars", or "of war/warlike" ("martial"). The well-known result was that on that day salvation came to that region. That same robber was after- wards seen leading a religious life; so that, in fact, the narrative I have given above is based upon an account furnished by himself.
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